Quality and ISO Registration
We employ a documented Quality Assurance program at Erickson Metals, using Statistical Process Control techniques. Erickson Metals Corporation operates a Total Quality work environment and has formulated an approach to achieve ISO registration utilizing TQM as a basis.
All branches of Erickson Metals Corporation have their own ISO registration. Please click on a button below to view, download or print the certificate for the required Erickson Metals facility:
Testing is performed in Erickson’s modern laboratory, documenting the temper, earing and thickness characteristics of our aluminum products. In addition to our standard tests, our laboratory is ready to perform special tests to meet non-standard requirements.
Erickson’s own testing is supplemented by comprehensive testing by our suppliers. Erickson Metals buys raw materials only from selected suppliers who can trace their products back to exact chemical analysis and mechanical properties.
At Erickson Metals, quality assurance is an integral part of our everyday operations, assuring our customers that they will get the fine metals they require.

Whatever It Takes
All of Erickson Metals’ employees are empowered to pursue a “Whatever It Takes” philosophy. We support an atmosphere of consistent betterment in communications, creativity, teamwork and mutual respect. By working together, we can develop and maintain partnerships with our customers and suppliers to improve all aspects of business, including efficiency on all levels, excellent responsiveness, and fast turnaround times.