Rod & Bar Size Specifications

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Aluminum Rod & Bar Products Supplier

Guide to Aluminum Bar Selection

All bars are ordered to Erickson’s rigid specs for highest quality. Bar inventories are comprised of both cold finished and extruded bars to provide optimum choices for the machining, strength and cost considerations involved. Whenever possible, bars are ordered stretch stress-relieved to provide optimum stability during machining or cutting.

2011 Screw machine stock is the best machining aluminum bar stock. Fine chips mean faster feeds and longer tool life. Machines to an excellent finish, has good strength, average formability. AMS QQA- 225/3 and ASTM B211.

2017 Screw machine stock has machinability approaching 2011. Particularly suitable for deep drilling operations and parts requiring clean, bright finishes. Formability and corrosion resistance are good. Strength is approximately the same as 2011. Conforms to AMS QQA- 225/6 and ASTM B211.

6061 Is one of the most versatile screw machine alloys with good strength, workability, corrosion resistance and ease of joining. Less machineable than 2000 series. Cold finished rounds and hexes conform to AMS QQ-A-225/8 and ASTM B211. Extruded rounds, squares and rectangles to AMS QQ-A-200/8 and ASTM B221. Most extruded round items are especially ordered to restricted diameter tolerances for ready to use in screw machines.

6063 Extruded for architectural and ornamental applications. Highly corrosion resistant, with good formability, it is one of the most joinable alloys. Finish is pleasing and is most suitable for anodizing. Conforms to AMS QQ-A-200/9 and ASTM B211.

6262 Screw machine stock in T6511 temper offers more strength and machinability that 6061. Comes closest to machining characteristics of 2011 yet retains the joining characteristics of 6061. Cold finished conforms to AMS QQ-A-225/10 and ASTM B211. Extruded to AMS QQ-A-200/10 and ASTM B211. 39

7075 Provides the greatest strength available in aluminum bar. Widely used in aircraft applications where light weight plus strength are required. Conforms to AMS QQ-A-225/9 and ASTM B211.

5086 extruded used in marine industry. Offers resistance to stress corrosion and superior resistance to atmosperic corrosion and superior resistance to atmoshperic corrosion, plus good formability and strength. Comforms to AMS QQ-A-200/5 and ASTM B211

Aluminum Rods & Bars Supplier

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